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Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm


1005 Langley St

Victoria, BC V8W 1V7

1005 Langley St

Victoria, BC V8W 1V7

Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

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New CHERCHBI Herdwick tweed tests

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What’s this? Random pic showing the state of my desk? No. These are the test results of the latest three Herdwick tweed trials showing that finally, after 3 years of trying, we’ve got a cloth that has got a great feel and aesthetic, but also performs fantastically well in abrasion, pilling and other tests. Best news I’ve had for ages. The lighter colour diamond weave cloth is the best quality Herdwick tweed of previous weave trials which we had tested alongside the new trials. This actually has performed well when made into sample bags [I’m still using one bag made from this, 2 1/2 years old and still going strong] but the spinner & weaver couldn’t get any consistency in further trials. The new cloth performed much better than this original cloth in testing, so we can finally start making some new bags that will look great and will last for years.